Rules & Regulations


Article 1 - This directive has been prepared for the purpose of enabling users to benefit from library resources regularly and efficiently and for the aim of protecting these resources.


Article 2 - The following terms here in shall have the meanings specified below:

The University: means Shkolla e Lartë "Hëna e Plotë" (Bedër).
The Library: signifies the University Library.
The Student: means the matriculated students of the Shkolla e Lartë "Hëna e Plotë" (Bedër).
The Staff: designates the full-time and part time academic and administrative staff of the University.
The User: signifies the Student and the Staff and the guest users from outside the university determined by the University Administration.
The Resources: mean the books, journals, bound journals, audio-visual materials, etc. and rare works having special value.


Article 3 - This directive covers the methods and principles regarding the use and lending of the resources and the sanctions to be enforced in case of failure of compliance.

Use of Resources inside the Library

Article 4 - Users who benefit from the resources inside the library must abide by the following rules:

  1. Guest users may benefit from the resources by the permission of the Library Administration.
  2. Consuming food and beverages or using tobacco and tobacco products in public areas of the Library is prohibited.
  3. Patrons are responsible for protecting the personal property they have with themselves. In case personal property is stolen or lost, the library staff can by no means be held responsible.
  4. It is forbidden to use mobile phones, talk loudly and make noise in public areas of the Library.


Article 5 - Resources may be borrowed by patrons who are students and/or staff members in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Only resources other than reference sources such as theses, reserved publications, unbound journals, dictionaries and encyclopedias and precious rare works may be borrowed. Resources that cannot be borrowed may be used through paid photocopy.
  2. Borrowers must show their University ID cards during the transaction of borrowing. Resources cannot be borrowed on behalf of someone else.
  3. Borrowing is limited to a certain period of time. A borrowed resource needs to be returned until the final date of return. If the borrowed resources are not overdue, the loan period may be extended once.
  4. The Library Administration has the right to require the borrower to return the borrowed resource before its due return date. The recalled resource must be returned to the library within three days at the latest.
  5. All the responsibility for borrowed resources belongs to the borrower until the due return date.
  6. A returned resource may be borrowed by the same user after at least two business days have elapsed from the due return date.

Depending on the type of the resources, types of borrowers and loan periods determined for them and the maximum number of resources a patron may borrow are specified in table below :

Table for Use of Borrowed Resources
Resource Patron Loan period (days) Maximum number of check-outs (items)
Book Bachelor Students 15 3
Master Students 15 5
Academic and Administrative staff 20 7

Overdue Fees

Article 6 - In case borrowed items are not returned on their due dates:

  1. The patron must pay an overdue fee for every item she/he has returned to the library after its due date.
  2. The overdue fee is calculated by multiplying the number of overdue days with the daily overdue fee. The daily overdue fee is determined according to resource types and announced by the Library Administration.

Lost or Damaged Resources

Article 7 - In case borrowed items are lost or damaged by the patron:

  1. The patron notifies the Library Administration of the loss or damage case through the Library Item Loss-Damage Form.
  2. In case a borrowed item is not returned to the library within 3 months after its due date, it is considered a lost item and the Library Administration arranges a Library Item Loss-Damage Form.
  3. The patron must pay the library the Resource Loss Fee for obtaining a resource identical with the item she/he has lost or damaged or an equivalent if she/he cannot find the same. The Resource Loss fee is determined by the Library Administration taking into account cargo and other costs. The patron must pay the Resource Damage Fee determined by the Library Administration for items which she/he has damaged and which are repairable.
  4. The patron must also pay an overdue fee for the period elapsing from the due date of the items she/he has lost or damaged until the Library Item Loss-Damage Form has been arranged.

Paid Use

Article 8 - By the Library Administration's proposal and the University Administration's approval, use of some resources for a fee maybe allowed in accordance with special rules. In this case, the patron pays a Resource Use Fee determined by the Library Administration.

Payment of Fees

Article 9 - Fees such as Overdue Fee, Resources Damage Fee, Resource Loss Fee, and Resource Use Fee are deposited as library debt in a bank account determined by the University. Bank receipts of the payments must be present to the library. In case of any disagreement, library records are valid.

Enforceable Sanctions

Article 10 - The following sanctions are enforced for those who act against the articles of this directive:

  1. Patrons who have unpaid library debts cannot borrow any library resource.
  2. In case irreplaceable rare resources are lost or damaged (especially in case of irretrievable loss or damage), the responsible patrons' library membership is frozen for two years. In such cases, the Resource Damage Fee or Resource Loss Fee is determined specially. In addition, disciplinary investigation is opened against the responsible people and other sanctions are enforced.
  3. In case patrons behave improperly in the library, damage library resources, check out resources illegally, lose or damage resources repeatedly and deliberately and violate the rules stated in the directive, the library staff writes an official report about them. These people are barred from using the library for one year by the University Administration, disciplinary investigation is opened against them and other sanctions are enforced.